Configuring Postfix

I came across this really neat Docker image docker-postfix. It got me up and running with Postfix in a very short amount of time. I’m just mentioning the extra steps I had to take to get the TLS certificates and the DKIM keys. As this is a post of configuring Postfix running as a Docker container, I’ll also run all the setup steps inside containers. First let’s create a directory for all our files and pull all the images ...

December 30, 2018 · 3 min · mbtamuli

Postfix in a container

Postfix is a service which forks itself and runs in the background. Postfix version 3.3.0 added container support. There was an issue where Postfix could not run as PID=1, and it was swiftly fixed in version 3.3.1 As I could not find any official Docker image for the latest versin of Postfix, I decided to build one myself. At the time I built the image, there was no Debian package available so I had to compile the package from source. ...

August 14, 2018 · 1 min · mbtamuli